The Hawza Studies Programme consists of three levels and operates on a flexible modular structure: students complete modules in each level at a pace that suits them and accumulate credits along the way. Each module is worth 10 or 20 credits, depending on the number of hours required to complete them. 120 credits are required to pass each level of the programme.

Certificate, Diploma, and Non-Award

To qualify for our Certificate, students must complete both the Hawza Studies and Arabic programmes. This amounts to completing 440 credits in total, i.e. all 80 credits of the Arabic Programme, and all 360 credits of the Hawza Studies Programme.

Certificate students must do Arabic alongside of their Hawza Studies modules. An exception is made for students joining for the first time in Semester 2 (February). Such students must take Arabic in the following September, i.e. in Semester 1 of the new academic year. This is because the Arabic course can only be started in Semester 1.

Certificate students pay half the fees for the modules and can apply for a scholarship by contacting us in strict confidence.


Students will progress through the 3 levels at different speeds. Typical time frames are as follows:

  • Level 1 (Introductory): 1-2 years
  • Level 2 (Intermediate): 2-4 years
  • Level 3 (Upper): 3-5 years

Each academic year is divided into two semesters, each lasting 12 weeks. The semesters begin on the first Monday of September and February, respectively.


A 10-credit module consists of 26 hours of class contact, and a 20-credit module consists of 48 hours of class contact. ‘Class contact’ refers to sessions that are teacher-led, i.e. lectures and tutorials.

In addition, students will need to set aside time for private study and assessment (e.g. essay, book review, test…).

On average, with everything put together (class contact, private study, and assessment), students will require approximately:

  • 5 hours a week to complete each 10-credit module.
  • 10 hours a week to complete each 20-credit module.

To qualify for our Diploma, students must complete 220 credits from the Hawza Studies Programme on its own or in combination with the Arabic Programme.

Diploma students pay full fees for the modules and cannot apply for a scholarship.


Students will progress through the 3 levels at different speeds. Typical time frames are as follows:

  • Level 1 (Introductory): 1-2 years
  • Level 2 (Intermediate): 2-4 years
  • Level 3 (Upper): 3-5 years

Each academic year is divided into two semesters, each lasting 12 weeks. The semesters begin on the first Monday of September and February, respectively.


A 10-credit module consists of 26 hours of class contact, and a 20-credit module consists of 48 hours of class contact. ‘Class contact’ refers to sessions that are teacher-led, i.e. lectures and tutorials.

In addition, students will need to set aside time for private study and assessment (e.g. essay, book review, test…).

On average, with everything put together (class contact, private study, and assessment), students will require approximately:

  • 5 hours a week to complete each 10-credit module.
  • 10 hours a week to complete each 20-credit module.

Non-award students choose individual modules as stand-alone courses.

They pay full fees for the modules and cannot apply for a scholarship.


Students will progress through the 3 levels at different speeds. Typical time frames are as follows:

  • Level 1 (Introductory): 1-2 years
  • Level 2 (Intermediate): 2-4 years
  • Level 3 (Upper): 3-5 years

Each academic year is divided into two semesters, each lasting 12 weeks. The semesters begin on the first Monday of September and February, respectively.


A 10-credit module consists of 26 hours of class contact, and a 20-credit module consists of 48 hours of class contact. ‘Class contact’ refers to sessions that are teacher-led, i.e. lectures and tutorials.

In addition, students will need to set aside time for private study and assessment (e.g. essay, book review, test…).

On average, with everything put together (class contact, private study, and assessment), students will require approximately:

  • 5 hours a week to complete each 10-credit module.
  • 10 hours a week to complete each 20-credit module.

Programme of Study

Lectures are pre-recorded, enabling students to watch them at a time that is convenient to them. All the notes and slides used by the teachers are made available to their students. Essential books that are not available online are provided to students at no extra cost.

Live tutorials supplement the pre-recorded lectures. There are 4 tutorials per module every semester, providing students with ample opportunity to ask questions and discuss matters directly with their teachers. The tutorials also allow teachers to monitor and help their students at every step of their studies. Tutorials are not recorded.

The tables below illustrate the programme of study undertaken at each level.

Please note: The flexible nature of our programme means that students do not have to take all the modules that are offered in each semester – they can take 10 to 60 credits each semester (excluding Arabic) and progress through the course at a pace that suits them. This applies to all students, whether they pursue the Certificate, Diploma, or Non-award study path.

Level One

Semester 1
Islamic Theology 120
Islamic Law 120
Islamic Ethics10
Life of the Prophet (s) – Before Hijra10
Total Credits60
Semester 2
Islamic Theology 220
Islamic Law 220
Life of the Prophet (s) – After Hijra10
Total Credits60


120 Credits

Level Two

Semester 1
Principles of Jurisprudence20
Qur’anic Sciences10
Hadith Studies10
Arguments and Responses10
Al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah and other Supplicatory Texts10
Total Credits60
Semester 2
Introduction to Demonstrative Jurisprudence: Verses on Islamic Law20
Life of the Imams (a)20
Introduction to Qur’anic Exegesis10
Nahj al-Balaghah10
Total Credits60


120 Credits

Level Three

Semester 1
Demonstrative Jurisprudence20
Sequential Exegesis of the Qur’an20
Narrator Evaluation10
Overview of Islamic Philosophy10
Total Credits60
Semester 2
Jurisprudential Maxims20
Thematic Exegesis of the Qur’an20
Pioneering Muslim Scholars and Their Works10
Readings in Pivotal Jurisprudential Texts10
Total Credits60


120 Credits