The Short Courses project is Hawza Online’s most recent initiative. Offered to the community at large, these courses address pertinent topics that are not covered comprehensively in the Hawza Studies programme. The courses are live, interactive, and delivered by recognised specialists. So far, we have conducted three short courses in English and one in French.

Le projet de cours courts est la toute dernière initiative de Hawza Online. Offerts à l’ensemble de la communauté, ces cours abordent des sujets pertinents qui ne sont pas couverts de manière exhaustive dans le programme d’études de la Hawza. Les cours sont en direct, interactifs et dispensés par des spécialistes reconnus. Jusqu’à présent, nous avons organisé trois cours courts en anglais et un en français.


Dans ce cours, nous avons exploré la vie de Bibi Fatema (sa), de sa naissance bénie à son rôle central dans l’histoire islamique. Nous avons étudié ses qualités morales exemplaires et son engagement contre l’injustice, notamment à travers le sermon de Fadak.

Une figure intemporelle qui continue d’inspirer.

Thèmes de la session :

  1. Bibi Fatema (sa) : un modèle de vertu
  2. Bibi Fatema (sa) : une défenseure de la justice
  3. L’infaillibilité de Bibi Fatema (sa) et la profondeur de sa sagesse
  4. L’amour pour Bibi Fatema (sa) et son influence éternelle

Ethical Illuminations from Dua Makarim al-Akhlaq

In this course, we delved into the rich world of Dua Makarim al-Akhlaq, also known as the Supplication for Noble Moral Traits, attributed to Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a). This dua encapsulates the essence of Islamic ethics, offering timeless guidance on cultivating noble character traits and moral values.

Session Themes:

  1. Dua and Spiritual Growth
  2. What is Makarim al-Akhlaq?
  3. Reflections on Self-Purification
  4. Spirituality and Social Conduct

Imam Ali's (a) Eternal Wisdom to Imam al-Hasan (a)

In this interactive course, we investigated four pivotal themes articulated by Imam Ali (a) in this letter, aspiring to embody the objectives he envisaged through his guidance.

Session Themes:

1. Taqwa and the Heart Fostering a profound bond with Allah by enlivening one’s spiritual heart.
2. Dua: Highlighting the vital role of supplication in connecting with Allah, accompanied by specific manners and etiquettes that enrich this divine communication.
3. Divine Responsibilities Towards Self and Others: A comprehensive exploration of our duties spanning all stages of life.
4. Death: Acknowledging the inevitability of death and the importance of preparing oneself for this ultimate truth.

Prophetic Medicine

Our first Short course was on Prophetic Medicine.

Course content:

  1. The role of spirituality in medicine
  2. Food and its effects on physical and spiritual health
  3. Foundations, authenticity, and methodology of Prophetic Medicine
  4. Modern Medicine vs Prophetic Medicine
  5. The human temperaments and their significance
  6. Inner dimensions of selected sports
  7. Cupping therapy (hijamah)
  8. Sleep management
  9. Remedies to some common ailments